My music 1



Ali Bla Bla productions was established in 2002 at the same time of this web site creation.

The logo is to suggest that what you will listen is a very original material, a little bit outside of this world! The name ''Ali Bla Bla'' is a reference to the Arabic numerical codes for the computer. It can also mean:''Me and life'' because life have to steal from an other existence to continue...Ali Ba Ba and the 40 thiefs! Now it is me and an infinity of thiefs!

Finally, the ''Bla Bla'' is what your are reading presently!

Sure you wil find treasures! The first one is from this album and it is the part 2 of ''Orbit'

Download: ___ ''Orbite partie 2.mp3'___
Ali Bla Bla Productions 2002